How the Clinic
can help
Case studies
About Dr Muir
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At the clinic...
We provide an opportunity for desperate
couples who might have experienced years
of misery of trying unsuccessfully to have
a baby.
We provide help for women to enjoy a level of confidence, competence and trust
in their own natural ability to maintain pregnancy and give birth. |
I came to see Dr Muir for treatment, I was
43 years old. I had already seven unsuccessful
IVF treatments and I was told that the only
solution to my infertility was to have an
egg donation. I conceived naturally after
eight sessions of treatment with Dr Muir.
I had my first baby…it was like a
miracle to me and my husband. At the age
of 45, I delivered my second baby…there
are no words to express my delight…” (Susannah, age 45) |
The Approach of the Clinic
a medical profession that still classes women who have
their first baby after the age of 30 as ‘elderly’ primagravida,
Dr Elizabeth Muir believed there to be a widespread fear
that if you were over 35 and female that time really
was running out.
Elizabeth Muir chose to introduce
her own approach to challenge some traditional medical
thinking around fertility, and argued that psychological
and emotional factors, rather than age, had much more
influence on a woman's chances of conceiving.
approach is flexible and totally different to the existing
mechanistic outlook on fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.
It is based on the latest scientific
discoveries on mind and body connection from the area
of molecular emotions. It postulates that mind manifests
itself in the body and the reproductive system is no
exception. Emotional and psychological issues, the circumstances
of our lives affect our bodies and manifest themselves
in physical symptoms even if we are not consciously aware
of it. Through a tiny part of the brain known as hypothalamus
the emotions are linked with the functioning of the pituitary
gland and the production of hormones vital to reproduction.
an interview with the Sunday Times newspaper, Elizabeth
Muir explains her own approach to fertility:
many career women, the concept of motherhood often
conflicts with their professional life, although a
lot of this ambivalence is subjective, which is why
hypnotherapy is so effective. Also, the more successful
women are professionally, the worse they feel when
they cannot get pregnant quickly.So I have created
an approach that introduces hypnotherapy as a safe
and powerful tool for helping women increase their
chances of fertility. Hypnotherapy works on the premise
that there are two states of consciousness - the conscious
and the subconscious - which may be at odds with each
other. In many cases, the subconscious can alter the
body's biochemistry and while a woman might consciously
want a baby, her subconscious may be stopping her from
getting pregnant.’ |